Henrik Ibsen, 1886
Staging - Goncalo Waddington, with Carla Maciel
October 15, 2011 - Teatro Viriato, Viseu
The politics of self. Ibsen captured those changes sending shockwaves though 19th century society and their link to the inner affairs of life. The intensity of love and death laid on the bed of political belief.
Rosmer. Do you think it would be so surprising? After the pitiful, lamentable defeat I have suffered? I, who was to have made it my life's work to lead my cause to victory--! And here I am, a deserter before the fight has even really begun!
Rebecca. Take up the fight again, John! Only try--and you will see that you will conquer. You will ennoble hundreds--thousands--of souls. Only try!
Rosmer. I, Rebecca, who no longer believe even in my having a mission in life?
The promise of the future both sentimental and power-linked. A mirror of society's inaction and failure to accept change in the face of mutating beliefs and mindsets.
Brendel. For five and twenty years I have been like a miser sitting on his locked money-chest. And then to-day, when I opened it to take out my treasure--there was nothing there! The mills of time had ground it into dust. There was not a blessed thing left of the whole lot
The denial of your place in the daily affairs of life and the right to tranquility.