Cativante: dizem que Capote tirou 8.000 páginas de notas na investigação. Aparentemente, inventou a cena final. Estaria ele ansioso pela execução de Perry e Dick, que teimava em não chegar?
Seja como for, a escrita disciplinada, com três frentes, é soberba. O ritmo perfeito
9 It was ideal apple-eating weather; the whitest sunlight descended from the purest sky, and an easterly wind rustled, without ripping loose, the last of the leaves of the Chinese elms. (...)
11 My husband cares more for his trees than he does for his children.
23 Nancy Clutter is always in a hurry but she always has time. And that's one definition of a lady.
69 But I thought, it can't be, there must be some mistake, things like that don't happen, you don't sell a man a big policy one minute and he's dead the next. Murdered. Meaning double indemnity.
(...) Well, it was a delicate situation. It appeared that legally we weren't obliged to pay. But morally - that was another matter. Naturally, we decided to do the moral thing.
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